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Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Levels 1-3)
Level 1- Physiological Needs
Related articles:
Level 2- Safety Needs
Level 3- Love and Belonging Needs
Final Thoughts…
Now you might be thinking that this is a lot of information to get in at the very beginning of the tour, and it is (hence why so many guides are hesitant to go over all this information).
However, if you really list out the specific points that will be important to cover for your tour (related to the first three levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy), then you can practice delivering it in an engaging and personal way. I’d say most of this you could fit into 5-10 minutes maximum.
One tip is, immediately after your ‘housekeeping’, ask if there are any questions, remind them that they can ask you to repeat any of those at any time, and then physically move your guests (even a few steps) to ‘start’ the tour.
Physical movement will break the ‘housekeeping’ from the start of your content, and will give guests a boost of energy.